Ingress Resistance Field Covering Northern Europe

Another remarkable Ingress achievement. This time Resistance team captured a huge territory in Northern Europe.

As you can see, half of the Baltic sea, countries of Estonia and Latvia, half of Lithuania and Belarus, huge part of Russia — all covered with blue.

This happened in just a couple of hours and means either remarkable example of international cooperation or tremendous cheating activity. Yes, unfortunately, we cannot eliminate this possibility.

Would be nice to read field report, describing this game episode and its tactics.

Ingress Baltic Resistance

Update: Operation codename: Baltic Fog. True, Ingress app in those areas should look very “foggy”.

And yes, looks like all legit: carefully planned, no cheating evidence. ~10.3 million MU in total. Whoah!

Update 2: Some reports show that at least Lithuanian part of the field could be cheated.

Update 3: Roberts Romanovskis from Resistance Latvia team shared some info on how operation was planned. People were really travelling between countries — Russian girl visited Belarus and Latvia, Latvian team member in turn went to Estonia and passed keys other keys to Swedish players via Tallinn.

“Planning was 6 days. 6 days was undergoing preparations, key transportation, disturbing link destruction, deception site link building. From the beginning it seemed that 6 days is not possible, but when went to work and saw that the people came forward with their own ideas and solutions.

It became clear that the ideas on behalf of all the possible and feasible.

 It became clear that the ideas on behalf of all the possible and feasible. I am one of many who were invited to participate in the event.

Thanks to all involved! We did it! I am 100% percent I can say that Latvians play fair, as well as Estonians, as well as the Belarusian, Russian. Most were coordinated by direct agents of the Belarusian and Estonian and Russian friends.

Our Latvian agent was in Estonia to help build the site. Helping to Latvia, the girl had come from Russia, Moscow, after having special traveled to Minsk. Was thought to also send agents to Kaunas, but had transportation problems. Involved in more than 35 people, it’s a lot and hard work. Coordinate, transported to think about backup options, if that can fail.

But we managed.

I can tell you, that in Liepaja began to panic as half an hour before link could not understand that the key to Sweden was trapped in the right, no communication with the Swedes. A huge surprise to us was that the Swedes were at midnight in our portal. Certainly keys were mixed, but they managed.

Stress was huge.”