Couple of important Ingress game updates.
— Ingress invites
So, dear Extendiality readers. Seems, Ingress is either going public very soon or at least tremendously increasing its audience. Currently, all L2+ players should have at least 1 invite in the app (some have even two). If those new players get invites as well, then their number will raise exponentially.
You can send invitations via Intel map as well.
— Ingress Power Cubes
This is the new item in the Ingress universe. These are large containers of XM for your activities (which is sometimes consumed pretty fast on high levels).
Cubes have Levels like Resonators and XMPs. Amount of XM inside them is very easy to calculate — 1000 XM * Level of the Power Cube. These items started to appear already in the field, but you cannot use them till a new Ingress app update comes, which should be very soon.
Their design is a joke, though. I hope, this is just a glitch 🙂