5 New Ingress Mods For Portals

Ingress Report video revealed new game items — Mods.

Up to now, players could only use Shields, which was apparently not enough for many of us. Remember, we wanted at least Turrets? Our prayers have been heard. Fasten your seat-belts, we are taking off the ground!



Ingress Mod Turret


These ones increase rate of portal attack. Basically, all these lightning attacks, when you fire XMPs, are the same turrets, but now they will be much more active. Not sure if they fire just when you pass by, but this is logical.

Update: Portal attacks 2 times faster and a bit harder


Heat Sink


Ingress Mod Heat Sink


Should be something related to portal burn-out time. Either decrease portal burnout duration or timeframe between hacks. Or probably increase hack number before burnout.

Update: Descreases time between hacks. -20% every other Heat Sink. So, 4 Heat Sinks will allow you to make 4 hacks in 6 minutes, instead of 15


Force Amplifier


Ingress Mod Force Amplifier

 Amplifies something like portal strength or field durability.

Update: Amplifies overal portal strength by 2


Link Amplifier


Ingress Mod Link Amplifier

 This one affects links. Probably, length of the link or its effect on the portal strength.

Update: Increases distance of the link – up to 3 times! So, L8 portal should theoretically link across 1200 miles or 1970 km around


Multi Hack


Ingress Mod Multi Hack

 Hack portal more times or faster than each 5 minutes. Similar to Heat Sink Mod.

Update: This adds 8 additional hacks before burnout (12 total)


Overall, there are many questions still but soon exact function of those new Mods will be tested and reported. Just wait for the next Ingress app update