Monthly Archives: January 2013

Making Ingress Better – Part 1

There are already Part 2 and Part 3 available as well.

So, folks, Ingress is already 2.5 month old (still in beta!). After playing a while I can already point out some things, which I, as a player, would be glad to see fixed or enhanced.

I am pretty sure that many of these will find their solution as the game evolves, but nevertheless..

Let’s start with the basics.


1) And here is the first catch — Ingress is… pointless at this stage.


Please hold on and don’t shoot me with a fire hose!

Yes, currently there are not many people with Level 8 and there is something to fight for. But what’s next? Perfect illustration of the game process is this one 🙂 You can find animated gif here

Ingress Blue Green

In my opinion, some kind of team achievements should be introduced. Game goal is to capture more Mind Units than opposing team. So, big fields should be awarded with much more “team points” than small ones.

Next, there can be some kind of recognition for keeping fields and portals in your team’s hands. For example, “defended portal for 7 days = team gets XXX points + extra points for those, who helped to recharge that portal, upgraded resonators etc.”  Or, “kept field with XXX MU alive for 7 days = teams gets XXX points etc.”

Isn’t it logical? Otherwise, I believe, most players will simply be bored as soon as they reach Level 7 or 8. At the same time, new will come and as Google needs GPS tracking data, then it does not matter, whether players are veterans or newbies.


2) Cheating.


Ingress Cheater

Ok, I know it is eternal problem with almost any game. Still all these GPS spoofing bastards and account sharing players should be reported and banned quickly and with no mercy. New methods for discovering them should be implemented.

Methods should be strict, because many people will quit playing, as they do not want to spend their time and money (check Ingress costs!) competing with those sitting in front of the computers and getting 200 000 AP in one hour.

What do you think? Share in comments!

To be continued…

Ingress: Whole London Is Green

Another remarkable Ingress achievement, this time by Enlightened team.

They managed to cover the whole London! And London is actually a major European city, so covering it with a green field can be a bit of discouraging for Resistance.

No one is able to make any links now inside this field (except those from the corners to the inside portals), till it is crushed or decayed, but anyway, good coordination and big symbolic meaning.

Ingress London

Ingress Field In Central Russia

This is massive thing in the Ingress game world — huge Resistance field in the middle of Russia. Seems, this field is the main reason for astonishing Blue domination. It is 79% at the moment.

If it was created without cheating, then these guys really rock. Good example of how things should be done in Ingress.

Ingress Russia

Google Glasses Can Have Bone Conduction Audio

Google Glass Project reveals more and more details.

There is are futuristic patent on US Patent and Trademark Office filed by Google back in 2011 and this can be directly related to our beloved Google Glasses 🙂

So, what is it about?

As you probably know, sound can be transmitted via different materials, not only air. And your skull bones are perfect for this purpose. According to the patent, transducer is placed on the bone right in front of the ear, which allows sound to travel right to the innermost part of the ear.

Benefits of this solution are huge. You do not need to plug in standard transducer, which normally distracts your attention from the ambient sounds. You will still hear all notifications, but at the same time safety will not be compromised. Big city traffic can be dangerous if you use ordinary headphones on a high level.

This technology is already used by some of the Aftershokz and Panasonic headphones. I did not have a chance to try them, but they are promoted to deliver a clear and pleasant sound, even for music.

I don’t really believe though that it can compete with Beyerdynamics or Sennheiser cans 🙂 At the same time solution is great for email or chat notification beeps and will not require any change in Google Glasss sexy design.

By the way, the most famous example of the bone conduction is 18th century composer Ludwig van Beethoven. He became deaf and found a way to listen to his own music by attaching rod between teeth and piano.


Google Glasses Bone Conduction

Ingress Demographic Survey

Ingress game becomes more and more popular. For some weird reason it is still beta (for more than 2 month now), but it is not very hard to get an activation key if you really want it. Try to submit more than one email on Ingress website and cooperate with your friends if anyone receives more than one.

There are numerous Google+ and Facebook communities, IRC chats and so on, where codes pop up form time to time. Usually, you are required to solve some kind of puzzle and sometimes they are very easy. Also, artworks can bring attention and one of Niantic folks can send you access.

And still number of players is already high enough to perform a distributed survey and here are results for 1,572 people. For example, check these ones, which look quite interesting:

  • 88% have seen places they wouldn’t have seen otherwise
  • 74% of people had met fellow players in real life
  • 29% made new friends
  • 74% have driven their cars (not very environmentally friendly game 🙂 )
  • 2% conducted air travel (!!)
  • 5% cheated in one or another way
  • 46% used spare battery. Continuous 3G + GPS + screen on = battery drains faster than Superman flies.
  • 16% bought a new device to play. Yes, game can be played on older devices, but often lags.

Full survey can be read here – The Demographics of Ingress. Plenty of data, but charts are easy to understand. There is a link to the raw dataset to make own graphs and charts as well.

Wondering, if there is an iPhone version planned anytime in the future? I’ve heard that many happy Apple fans are not so happy anymore, as world goes crazy and they simply cannot.

Ingress Iphone

Time to grab an Android smartphone and choose your side wisely. Enlightened or Resistance?

Sergey Brin Wearing Google Glasses In Subway

Sergey Brin, Google co-founder, has been spotted in the New York subway, wearing Google Glasses. Lucky guy, who recognized Brin, was Noah Zerkin, another augmented reality enthusiast (what a coincidence!).

He snapped a photo and managed to have a little talk. Looks like Sergey is getting used to his new device, though currently, specs are quite limited. Plus, this photo is now famous around the world and creates needed buzz.

There are more Googlers, wearing Glasses in their everyday life. I can only imagine, how much attention it usually attracts.

At the same time people around Sergey do not seem to be interested in him. Ok, they might know better face of the Justin Bieber, but a cool techy device without glasses? Probably, they thought it was some medical stuff and did not want to look impolite?

Sergey Brin Subway Google Glasses

Olympus MEG4.0 Augmented Reality Glasses

It is not a big surprise that not only Google and Valve are working on “Augmented Reality Glasses” project. But the name of the next player on this field is unexpected. It is.. Olympus.

Yes, Japanese company introduced their concept back in July 2012 and there have been no other official news regarding it. As you can see from the picture, it needs real glasses (unlike Google’s version) and is designed only to show information from the mobile phone via Bluetooth.

Virtual screen is 320 x 240 resolution and it is also only in front of one eye. Weight of the device is 30 grams, battery life is around 2 hours. Olympus claims that device is not created to work continuously and “with normal use” 2 hours become 8. Not bad already.

It has no camera, but there is accelerometer to determine, which direction the wearer is facing at the moment. Key difference from Google Glass is that it is intended to show information rather than collect it. Display is rumoured to be of a very high quality, perfectly visible in daylight.

Price and availability are unclear at the moment, probably it stays as a prototype. For me they look quite ugly, to be honest. And lack of camera makes them not a real competitor for Google. Why choose something weird and with less options?

Also, a strange Olympus patent has been found. It is basically an external viewfinder, which switches on only if camera is placed near the glasses. This option is quite nice as it makes cameras lighter and smaller while still retaining viewfinder option. And it can be easily implemented in MEG4.0 to work via Bluetooth.

Olympus External Viewfinder

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