Monthly Archives: May 2013

Ingress Portal Attack Simulator

Those of you playing Ingress game probably want to build a better strategy, while attacking bunch of enemy portals, don’t you?

There is a special web tool, which makes it quite easy to plan future attacks and simulate the results of using XMPs. It is called IPAS – Ingress Portal Attack Simulator and is totally web-based application.

There are huge customization options. You can set each individual resonator, place its location around the portal, put shields, if any. Then choose XMP, place “yourself” in the field and fire!

The result will be calculated for both Portal Health and Resonator percentage. Multiple formulas can be used for the result, though I am not sure, which one is the most realistic.

Another interesting feature is the heatmap for the chosen XMP. It shows the damage area and colors it according to the radius around your firing position.

The only thing this application lacks, IMHO, is the calculation of player’s XM energy level. As you know, firing XMPs costs you XM and the higher XMPs the more energy it consumes. This can be critical in the field.

But it is already a valuable tool for every serious player, whether you are Enlightened or from the Resistance.

Ingress Portal Attack Simulator

Olympus HMD Earlier Than Google Glass

More and more people find out about Google Glass. But let’s be honest, Google was not the first one to present similar concept to the public. While I also do not know, who was the first, here are some pictures from the 2010 by Olympus.

Yes, something similar to MEG4 glasses, but in a more stylish form, I bet.

Japanese mobile phone carrier NTT Docomo and Olympus presented this device at the Ceatec event. I really like the design.

Olympus HMD

I don’t have exact specs of it, but at least it had acceleration and direction sensors 🙂 For example, you could look up and see the weather forecast. Pretty neat. Wonder, if MEG4 was a direct development of these glasses? MEG4 design is not so appealing, though.

Olympus HMD Glass

Actually, there was even a 2008 year model, but it was quite heavy. Around 91 grams, opposed to 10-20 of the normal glasses weight.

As a bonus, another concept from that conference, which has two displays. Manufacturer is a Japanese company Scalar. Playing Ingress would be much more fun with these.

HMD Scalar

Ingress April Hangout With Niantic

Another Ingress Hangout with Niantic employees has occurred recently. As you remember, the previous one revealed many interesting facts about the game and its future development.

Ingress Hangout April

This one is no difference, check out some of the most interesting points.

  • Ambitious plan to have 1 billion gamers. Way too much, I think 🙂
  • Social networks are closely monitored for valuable ideas. Keep posting with corresponding hashtags.
  • IITC related AP discrimination does not exist. But Niantic still discourages users from TOS violations.
  • API is on its way. It will have option to create custom missions (eagerly waiting for this).
  • Balancing is still being calibrated to ensure that game stays exciting for both factions in all areas.
  • No iOS at the moment, will take quite some time.
  • Local MU score is on its way. There is really no need for global as no one cares.
  • Niantic considers some role-play options for the Ingress. Different roles, which can include fighters, defenders, farmers etc. My thought — this should be changeable after some period of time or anytime.
  • Idea of exchanging items is also quite strong. Probably, via NFC or some other way?
  • NFC based missions — link players for some period of time to collaborate.
  • Niantic is not really Google. They work independently, using Google’s resources and support.
  • NIA is an actual US agency and government was questioning Niantic on “what the hell you’re doing there??” 🙂

Just to remind that there should be extra invites available for L2+ users and current waiting time for email invite is around 3 weeks.

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