
Google Glass Allows You To Feel

Good pic, which illustrates my yesterday’s post about Google Glass and how it helps to stay in reality.

As you probably know, Catholic Church has elected a new Pope. Picture below is from the Saint Peter’s Square, where people are greeting him.

I think, you agree that most of them are religious persons and this moment means a lot for them. This is why almost all of them are making videos on their smartphones, tablets and cameras.

The result — they miss that very special spiritual moment an cannot enjoy it to the full extent.

And this is the situation, where Google Glass could be very handy.

Pope Elections Gadgets, Google Glass needed

Google Glass Hands-On Experience

Are you ready for future? For Google Glass? Hope, some of you took a chance to get their Glass by participating in the contest.

The Verge journal published a remarkable “hands-on” testing of Google Glass by Joshua Topolsky. There are both experience described in the article as well as video. This is particularly interesting as now it is not a polished marketing teaser, but an actual opinion of a very judicial columnist.

And he met with the most important Google Glass employees — Product Director and Chief Designer.

The idea behind Glass is very simple. You cannot avoid using modern gadgets, but it results in “living” inside them. You do not belong to reality anymore, you are in smartphone now. Goal is to make interaction as smooth as possible without distracting you from the beauty of the world around.

Joshua even asks, — “Isn’t it weird that to become more “human” we need to augment with Glass?”. Yes, that’s the paradox.

Google Glass Sunglasses

There will be different colors to match your personality, some parts will be detachable (probably, to change colors easily). Cooperation with fashion companies like Ray-Ban can be a possibility. Google Glass device needs to be not only perfect in technical sense, but also appealing as an accessory. It should be attractive as it will be placed on the “strategically important” part of our body — the face.

Version for normal prescription glasses is also on its way. Additionally, you are able to attach a “sunglasses” lens to Google Glass and it becomes even more stylish.

Joshua admits that walking around is simply awesome and adds the whole new layer of reality. I strongly encourage you to read and then check the video.

By the way, just got information that there are already some widely used apps ported to Glass. For example, Gmail and Evernote. And this is only the beginning.

The picture, which illustrates emotions, is simply this one:

Google Glass Take My Money

YouTube comments rock. Pranksters want to approach people on the street, scream some commands and then run away 🙂

Ingress Great Russian Field

Russian folks rock again! I still remember that huge Ingress field in central region.

Now, they managed to link 4 major cities — Moscow and Sankt Petersburg in Russia, Kiev in Ukraine and Minsk in Belorussia. And this all was done by basically only two triangles.

Keep in mind that there is still winter with freezing temperatures. Imagine, what happens in the summer time?!

Niantic should introduce medals or something like this very soon to encourage such levels of commitment to the game. As Brandon told, we should see it pretty soon.

Ingress Resistance Russia

Ingress Intel Total Conversion

Despite HackIngress website is not live yet, we should not be frustrated. There is another solution exists — JavaScript, which transforms your ordinary Ingress Intel map to something completely different.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome — Ingress Intel Total Conversion Script. What can I say? Only “How did we play before?” 🙂

Update 23/03/13: IITC is open source project now, for details read here

It is much faster, has a lot of useful options and there are also additional plugins available to expand its functionality even further.

Especially, I like:

  • Loading speed — blazing fast
  • Different options for map terrain — multiple Google and OSM maps
  • Chat is filtered now — Full and Compact tabs for “technical” data and Public / Faction for chat itself
  • You can filter to show portals with only those levels you want (though you still can’t show low level portals when zoomed out too much)
  • Zoom in and you will see exact resonators positions. Amazing, isn’t it?
  • Shows radius of theoretical link, which is possible to create from this portal
  • Computes how much AP you get by destroying this portal and then capturing it

 Ingress Intel Total Conversion Closeup

Now, there are also some useful plugins:

  • “Portal health” plugin shows those, which are decaying or just without shields. Great for attack planning.
  • AP gain calculation for all portals in given area.
  • Drawing tools to plan your walks.
  • Player tracker — draws trails for user actions in the last hour. If you want to predict enemy’s moves quickly

In overall, this what you have to install right now. There are instructions for Chrome, Opera and Firefox browsers. Also, it is being developed further, so remember to check from time to time and don’t forget about “plugins” section of that website.

MYO Gesture Control Brings Magic

I thought that Leap Motion device is the future. With all its gesture controls and “Minority Report style” options. But here is something much more interesting — MYO device for your armband.

There are no optical sensors this time. The elastic armband controls not only arm movement, but also muscular activity. So, it can detect changes in hand gesture right down to each individual finger. There is NO LAG as MYO reads electrical signals in your muscles and they appear before you even start the gesture. Muscle-scanning and multi-axis accelerometer technology is proprietary.

And what is even more appealing, you can use it outside too. Imagine the possibilities! Thalmic founder Stephen Lake is totally right, when saying “There is a trend towards more tightly integrating technology with who we are as people“. We see it everywhere.

Myo Armband Muscles

Any device with Bluetooth will be supported — PC, smartphones and why not… Google Glass ?? Not everyone wants to talk to his device aloud, eye movement tracking can still be far away from perfect and pressing buttons on the glasses temple is wearisome and old-fashioned. Just curve finger or swipe a bit and image is posted to Facebook.

Video shows “Google Glass style” device on a skier, who controls it by MYO. Especially I liked business presentation example, take a look.

20 gestures are already recognized out of the box and there will be more for sure. It already has all the functionality to control computers, play games, show presentations etc. API will be documented for developers to create even more robust applications.

Price for such a magnificent device is only $149; sad news is that it is only a pre-order. Thalmic Labs says it is going to be available in late 2013, long time to wait.

But the future seems exciting.

Google Glass For The Lucky Ones

Now, you can be a lucky owner of the first Google Glass prototypes. Yes, it is a new milestone for this project and be prepared.

You need to fulfill 4 requirements:

  • Be a US resident (I believe, most readers of this blog are from US)
  • Be ready to spend $1500 (plus tax) — reasonable price for becoming one of the first testers
  • Convince Google that you are the right person. This one is tricky, see instructions below.
  • Be able to attend Google Glass event in either New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco.

Google Glass Translate

Ok, what’s needed to become the lucky one? Write a short story (not more than 50 words) in Google+ or Twitter (no Facebook, ha-ha!) using hashtag #ifihadglass explaining what you would do if you had Glass. Simple as that. Also, you can attach up to 5 photos and 15 sec video, if you want.

Hopefully, you are older than 18 years 🙂 Hurry up as deadline is 27th of February.

All the information is available now at the official (and very cool) webpage — Google Glass Official. Be sure to check an awesome video, demonstrating current possibilities like taking pics and videos by voice, checking directions, weather, info, googling for anything you want, showing live picture to your friends (jumping with a parachute!!) etc.

Consumer version should be available around beginning of 2014 (damn too long to wait).

Already now it is awesome.

I need one.



Making Ingress Better – Part 3

Let’s see, what else needs to be improved in the Ingress Game. There is quite a big list, compiled from my thoughts and ideas of the Ingress community members. I have picked up some of the most important ones.

Previous posts are here and here.

Main game logic should be enhanced a bit and let me tell you why.


5) Introduce third faction to the Ingress


This is something, which received a lot of support from the players. Currently, game is too straightforward as there are only two teams. So, you conquer, other team fights for the portal and gets it back. Third faction (Red one?) can add much more instability and fun.

This is well explained by the Game Theory. And best strategy computer games had at least three forces. For example, StarCraft.

There is some evidence of this unknown force in the Niantic storyline — Verum Inveniri. Probably, they will be the “Real Resistance”? And current Resistance just thinks they are fighting for humanity, but still unwittingly help to establish Shaper’s presence? Verum Inveniri folks will also have different gameplay logic and goals, of course. Probably, even totally different mobile app.


6) Don’t play for a long time? Lose AP and level.


This one can be discussed and some will strongly oppose it. But in my opinion, this “level decay” (similar to portal decay) should be implemented in one or another way. At least, till Niantic introduces some goals to play, apart from simply building personal Level (talked about it earlier here).

Level Decay is at least something to motivate first starters to keep playing.


7) Additional mods to the Ingress gameplay


Yes, these are coming (read Ingress hangout summary with Niantic folks). Still, couple of ideas:

  • Mines. You approach portal and boom! Lose XM and probably even AP.
  • Turrets. Portal tries to defense itself not only when you hack or capture it, but even when you just come closer and collect XM.
  • Anti-personal weapons. Some limited stuff to bring extra fun to the game. You see an enemy on the street and launch a missile 🙂

Of course, all these add-ons should be carefully balanced before being introduced to the game.

Advanced Ingress Player


8) User should be allowed to switch on GPS tracking to reveal his location


To the same faction, not to the enemies 🙂 This is useful, when you plan to coordinate attacks and want to see, who is where. Saves time, than typing in the COMM. Quite logical for the game story as well — why can’t players of the same team view position of each other? Like the real war.

Problem is still the same — cheaters. Some lame players (yes, cheaters are just weak lamers) can have multiple accounts and spy on other team. Anyway, players should be able to decide themselves, but currently, there is no such option in Mobile App.

To be continued…

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